Peter was one of Jesus’ most loyal disciples.
Did Satan possess Peter? Could it be that the first apostle had become so profoundly influenced by the Adversary that Jesus had to rebuke him? Most of us are used to thinking of a specific spirit being or person when we read the word “Satan.”
What does “Get behind me, Satan!” mean?
Immediately upon hearing the word Satan, we have visions of Lucifer, the fallen angel who rebelled against God, taking a third of the angels of heaven with him and eventually cast down to earth. He’s the same being we think of in the Garden of Eden, who, under the disguise of a serpent, misinformed Eve into rebelling against God’s command not to consume the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Still, others may remember the movie “The Exorcist,” complete with spinning head and spitting of pea soup. What most people fail to recognize is the use of the title “ha satan” in the Bible doesn’t necessarily refer to a specific spirit being, like Lucifer.