A Dog Forges a Heartwarming Companionship With a Homeless Man.

Every day, the fluffy, cheerful pooch brightens the life of his loving parents. But Sora’s enormous heart and caring personality aren’t only for him.

Sora found a new buddy one day while out on a stroll near their Paris home – a homeless man named Bruno. That unexpected meeting altered Colzouti’s heart and, as a result, Bruno’s circumstances.

“Sora came to a halt in front of a young man who was seated in front of his tent, “Colzouti penned. “When their gazes connect, Sora jumps forward to see him. I halted Sora reflexively, overwhelmed with preconceived notions. I recognize [the man] and decide to go, but Sora will not budge. He casts a glance towards Bruno. I phone him back, but he won’t budge. When I chose to attach his leash and urge him away, Sora looked at me with the gaze only a dog can give. Bruno smiled broadly.”